Monday, September 10, 2007

Raid the Ice Box

One harmless late night activity was heading over to the Dining Hall and sneaking into the kitchen for a midnight snack. Now this was not officially condoned, but as the director himself and several of his senior staffers were not above indulging their bulging waiste lines every now and again...and the nice thing was, that the director would invite any counselors that came by to partake. For them it was less sneaking in and more using their key to unlock the kitchen and slide that big door across....

What if you wanted a little snacky with out the power of the directorship behind you? Well, like most things at camp, the large sliding door to the kitchen wasnt all that well built. And you could squeeze yourself through the gap in the door and make your way into the kitchen and sample the leftover goodies. The walk in fridge and freezer were, of course unlocked, so access granted...bon apetite!

After a long fruitful span of undenied sustenance...a modifcation was made to the door to prevent such glutinous adventures from being undertaken...and, apart from a select few highly resourceful individuals, that was the end of Raiding the Ice Box.....

What of those seasoned few that still made off with forbidden fruit? That is a tale for another time....


bamf said...

Ice Box? Mere child's play (I'm actually embarassed for you) Perhaps the reluctant captain won't be so reluctant and reveal the intricate details of an incident which tops raiding the Ice Box. ..... "Reeses peanut butter cups anyone?" (Don't worry, I have it on good authority that the statute of limitations is up!!!!!!!!).

With that being said, one way to get evening delights without MUCH thievery or deceit was the "Friendlys bait and switch". How did it work? An unsuspecting senior camper would give money to a counselor to pick up an Ice Cream at Friendlys. The counselor would go to Friendlys with that money and buy the requested ice cream. The counselor would then proceed to EAT that ice cream .... but, remember to bring back the bag, the container and receipt (evidencing the purchase). The counselor would then proceed to leave the bag and receipt under the senior camper's bed until quiestioned the next morning. When the senior camper said "hey, what happened to my Friendly's?" Counselor's response "You ate it! you must have been so tired you forgot ----look, here's the bag .... and in it the receipt and empty container" Camper's typical response "Dang .... Well, .......... Can you get me something at Kahuna's tonight? ... here's $10 bucks!"

* alleged but unconfirmed fact:
Josh Sherwood fell for the "Friendly's Bait and Switch" at least four times!!!! HEY JOSH, THANKS FOR ALL OF THOSE JIM DANDYS ... THEY WERE SCRUMPTIOUS!!!!!:}

Dr. Quacum said...

HA, well I have to admit I never knew about the Friendly's bait and switch...

Raiding the ice box was taking from "The Man" where your misdemeanors were targeted at the very campers who in previous posts you were willing to break the rules to ensure that they had a good time....


But I guess if Josh Sherwood was the victim, then no harm done.

The Reluctant Captain said...

hmmmm, yes. ice box raiding was an excellent way to find a snack late at night. I was caught as a camper raiding the pantry and Jay, the senior unit director, made me sweep the entire dining hall.

Bamf I can't believe you brought that up, but I'm glad you did. We got a little crazy in our more restless nights. Especially when we had no plans to go out. As you well know, with Friendly's being the only place to go besides the pits, there wasn't much to do at all. One night, we were feeling a little extra bold, and decided to sneak in to the camp store. It ended up turning into mission impossible and more for the excitement then actually stealing anything (though we did take some reeses and maybe a couple of other things ;-). I wont reveal how we got in. haha. Until today, 2 maybe 3 people new of this episode and now you do too.

I have to agree with you Dr. that the ice cream bait and switch was not cool. Though it was tasty! I think raiding the ice box was a much better choice. A little less danger and a lot more fun.

bamf said...

Well, I must say I'm somewhat insulted!-- You two turned something funny and crafty into something dirty and shameful ......
On word for you two ladies:

B A B I E S!!!!!!!

Little did YOU know that the food you took (stole) from the Ice Box was the only reserves for the several kids with Diabetes! Hmf! THERES NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS FOR THAT MORAL OFFENSE!!!!!!

Since you two are standing on your soap boxes ..... now I'm not going to reveal my sure fire way on how to get out of going to Chapel on Sundays!


Until my next post! ;]

The Reluctant Captain said...

What happened bamf? You called me out on the store raid... I delivered on that one. Anyway, I didn't mean to offend you. It was an especially crafty move. As you can see in my previous post, I participated in those ice cream switches. They were fun and almost as much as the empty pizza box the next day, too. They were the best when you got up in the morning and one kid asked another, what happened to the pizza? "Don't you remember pigging out?" :-D

I think I was in on that one even more. I am not standing on a freaking soap box, just noting that it might not have been the best way to get a sunday or a pizza, lol. Stealing from "the man" was better. It's an opinion about something I did, since I did both. HAHAHA. I am not mad about it, why are you?

I can't wait to hear about the Chapel stuff.

bamf said...

Apology accepted! But I really do think you should be apologizing to those kids with diabetes you stole from! [YES I ENDED A SENTENCE WITH A PREPOSITION]

As counselor we got out of going to chapel by taking that day off. I still don't understand why some counselors preferred to take the "trip days" off instead of Sundays (?) ... Anywho, as a camper, me and my Tent Mates found a way to get on the roof the boys bathroom. By the time the counselors gave up looking for us ... chapel was over. Of course, for all I know, the counselors knew where we were the entire time ..... and it was THEIR way to get out of Chapel.