Thursday, September 13, 2007

Back to the Beach

A tradition that I started my first year as a counselor entailed finding a beach sized umbrella for the day the Camp went to Horseneck Beach, RI. It began and ended with Friendly's. I recall one evening (I was a CIT at the time [when CIT could go out at night!]) when I was leaving the Friendly's parking lot with some other counselors. Someone stated "it sure would be cool to have one of those umbrellas for the beach tomorrow". With that said, I jumped out of the car, and grabbed one of the umbrellas for an outside dining table. Since this was the spur of the moment mission, I neglected to roll down my window. As a result, when I shut the passenger side door it wouldn't shut. In fear of getting caught (this is petty theft in most states! --eh (shrug)--) I quickly jumped out of the car, rolled down the window and placed the umbrella on my lap (with the base sticking out of the window). I brought the umbrella to my Cabin, and the next day, I was under the comfortable shade of a Friendly's Umbrella. Each year thereafter, I would obtain a new umbrella from Friendly's.

If I am not mistaken, I believe I saw Dr. Quacum one year under his own Friendly's Umbrella!


The Reluctant Captain said...

nice. I remember those umbrellas. I remember catching some campers doing some illegal things in the surrounding sand dunes, too. One of them we caught drinking a beer with her buddies. Remember that? HAHA. The look on her face was classic when we walked up. She didn't know if she was going to get kicked out of camp or not. For like 30 seconds she was shitting her pants! I'm glad we let her go though. She was a great kid and just made a stupid decision.

bamf said...

Ah yes, the beer incident. One of two that year! If I am not mistaken, that senior camper was sitting by herself in the dunes. (We should have called her John Thoroughgood for the rest of the session (e.g. "I drink alone"). Considering we scared the crap out of her, ... yes I am glad we didn't squeal --- she was a good kid. *Nothing like drinking a warm beer in the summer heat [as Michael Jackson would say "He He-He!"]) Speaking of that beer (you know I had to go here .....),I am quite sure that that beer came from the case of beer in the possession of another senior camper --who got booted for having the beer. I always thought it was a little bizarre/contradictory/shameful/hypocritical that she alone was booted. ESPECILALLY WHEN OTHERS IN HER TENT WERE SUSPECTED OR CAUGHT DRINKING THE BEERS AS WELL! Kind of makes you think "Hmmmmmmm" and wonder why the other campers were excluded from the punishment. I don't think the punishment was too extreme, but, I do question the finger pointing. As one of the campers allegedly summed it up when talking to a senior staff memeber "why didn't you kick your daughter out, she was drinking too" [as Good Will Huntington said "HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES"]
;} ;} ;}

The Reluctant Captain said...

damn!!!! haha! I knew it had to surface at some point. I felt bad after that incident. I mean, the camper that was booted was one of the nicest people around. She just got caught by people who never really knew how to deal with those situations. I think they should have kicked them all out or none of them. I would have voted for letting them all stay because they didn't deserve to go. I mean, if I found that case of beer with campers it would have been confiscated and consumed at the pits that very evening. :-)

bamf said...

Interestingly enough, I believe the beer was confisacted by counselors and consumed. Unfortunately the rumor mill had already kicked in (who would ever think that a camper having a case of beer could be kept secret for long?) and the camper "took it on the chin" instead of "spreading the guilt". Not too sure if it was commendable or stupid, but, based upon her character I would lean toward commendable. ... ANYWAY, ....VIVA CAMP DAY --HAIL TO THEE OH BEST OF ALL CAMPS HAIL TO FRANK A. DAY!!!!!!