Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pajama Breakfast

Ding. ding. ding ding ding ding ding...ding ding ding ding ding ding ding....That's right, its Pajama Breakfast! Come as you are, its Pajama Breakfast! We've let you sleep an EXTRA hour!! Dont get dressed, come as you are....PAJAMA BREAKFAST ding....

Now, how stupid are we supposed to be? First bell at what? 7? Second at 8? Meaning get your tired butt to flagpole. So, if they just skip the 7am bell, how is that giving us another hour to sleep?

And what was going on behind the scenes? What was the real reason behind an "extra" hour of sleep? Was that the morning after a Sr. Staff Bender? A late night ice box raid? Someone sabotaging Polar Bear Swim? Or a private showing of the Crazy Dan Saga the night before??

In any event, I just downloaded the "Pajama Breakfast" ring tone...DING!


The Reluctant Captain said...

Haha, pajama breakfast! I think I usually missed the first bell (and sometimes flagpole). I used to revel in the times that I told our director (Mark) that I was going to let my campers sleep in and miss flagpole as a treat for not causing any trouble the entire day. Once again, against the rules, but effective.

Dr. Quacum said...

Hmm, your consistent approach to "break the rules as a reward" is an interesting concept. For those of us who operated within the law, their were still ways to reward....however, I am sure the long term memory of that brief sweet taste of anarchy will most likely last longer than the memories of the straight and narrow.

Of course, the most fun I allegedly had at camp was by ignoring a few "guidelines", allegedly.

bamf said...

Rules, schmules! It's all about the campers having fun! Those are the times they remember! So long as it's not illegal! Besides, I (allegedly) never got the Camp Rules and Regulations when I was there.... did they exist? Even if they did, I want to see a copy with my signature and initials! Otherwise, it's pure hearsay!

The Reluctant Captain said...

Dr. Q, I see your point and it's a valid one. However, my point wasn't to say that I always "broke" the rules as a reward. I was saying that my campers were good, so I gave them a reward that made them feel special (away from the rest of the entire camp). It was thinking outside of the box, in my opinion. It wasn't even against the rules in this case really since I cleared it with Mark. However, he threw me under the bus anyway when senior staff asked where we were... figures. It bit me in the ass a couple of times, one of which you might find funny in my next post, "Sneaking Out Without Me?." I think there were a LOT of people there who took things way too seriously. But then, without them, the camp probably wouldn't have functioned :-).

Dr. Quacum said...

I am not throwing stones at you, otherwise my bare feet (that I Have just been making fists with my toes in the lush carpets of Nakatomi Plaza) would be all cut up this way from sideways.

However, I think another area worth exploring is that of Trust. I think you both were bamboozled on several occasions by the aforementioned Mark...who was/is/always will be a downright bastard.

I remember several times he pretended to be friendly with me, but thanks to my over developed sense of hearing I had over heard some of his "darker" side and knew he was a downright dirt bag. Still he is a classic example of the self-serving person that attended camp not for the kids, but for the chance to capture some cool that eluded them in their youth.

In closing, as long as the kids were safe I salute your efforts in making a memorable impact in their lives.

bamf said...

I always told Cappy "DTM" --DON'T TRUST MARK!!!!