Monday, October 29, 2007

Taking Down the Docks

For all you newbie counselors that get suckered into staying an extra day to assist with "wrapping things up", I thought I might reveal one trick that worked for me over the years. .... It's called the "one-finger lift".

Here's how it works:

Step One: Volunteer to assist with taking in the docks. There are always 5 to 6 "heroes" that really WANT to lift the docks --sooooooooooo, let em lift it, while you practive the one finger lift!

Step Two: When it's time to take the docks in, make sure you are standing on one of the long sides of the dock. For example ---each dock is rectangular --- thus, make sure you are on one of the long sides (not the short side). Be careful, some that are wise to one finger lift may try to get to the long side before you. If so, a quick nudge or elbow to the face may be in order.

Step Three: When it is time for everyone to lift the dock, squat down, and mimic all others as if you in fact are lifting the dock. Normally a small grunt and face wince should suffice.

Step Four: Do not ..... I repeat, DO NOT actually attempt any physical effort to lift the dock --- If you do. --Stop right away and re-read Steps one through three.

Step Five: Once the dock is in the air, and everyone attempts to walk it back to the boat house, you can now attempt the one finger lift. Please check your form by putting one finger on the bottom of the dock (while you uncontrollably laugh [in side your own mind] knowing of what you have accomplished). So long as you (1) don't break a sweat; (2) keep a straight face; and (3) [the most important thing] don't lift the dock, you have mastered the one-finger lift.

Step Six: Once the dock is placed on the ground, yell some explicative while complaining to others that the two clowns beside you weren't lifting their share!!!!!!!!

For a seminar on fuseling look back at earlier posts.

Stay tuned to learn how to "clean" the shower room, while actually watching a movie in the movie room (*quoted by one of the posse three "this one is a must read!!!")

1 comment:

Dr. Quacum said...

For the record, you didnt fool anyone. We all knew you didnt do anything you lazy bum!