Monday, October 8, 2007

Color War

We all recall whether we were on the green or the gray team; however, I remember that some years there was a black team. The black team consisted of the campers that didn't want to get involved with color war (some for the right reasons [e.g.why compete against others] and others for the wrong reasons [followers trying to be cool]). In any event "I got it". Although I always participated in color war, I remember my first year, and the pressure color war placed on me [and I'm sure some other kids].

The event was..... "Everyone Toss your shoes in the middle of a pile, and then find them" . . . I tossed my shoes in, and wouldn't you know, I was the last kid to find and put on their shoes. I will never forget the ridicule I received from some of my "teammates". Although I was a young Jr. (around 10 years old) some of the Senior Campers wouldn't stop harping on how I potentially cost them color war.

The funny thing is -- I don't remember if we won that year. I don't remember the d-bags that harrassed me. I do remember my sister and her friend sticking up for me though. With the quick use of words and threats -- my sister and her friend got those d-bags to back off quickly. .... Thanks Sis and Becky.

The lesson I learned that day is "competition can bring out the best or the worse in a person". I also learned that next time I play "Everyone Toss your shoes in the middle of the pile" -- to tie my shoes together.

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