Thursday, October 11, 2007

Camp Fires

When was the last time you sat around a good fire? Before I attended camp I had never been to a camp fire. I remember the first one that I went to as a camper, it was down at the waterfront over where the T-dock used to be. Most people walked in little groups and slowly sauntered down the camp road, passing by Bascom and on to the beach. One counselor brought some wood to pile on the huge stack that was already there and another some dry leaves. This seemed to make sense and I realized that I had never given much thought to what went on during a camp fire.

Then I noticed someone carrying a can of gas. Yes, gas. The counselors went kind of nutty and made the fire so big that it actually made me a little nervous. I just sat there in awe of the entire situation. Then someone started to sing a song and a counselor who's name I forget, took a long running start and jumped over the middle of the fire! This made everyone cheer (even me). I thought, at that moment, that these people are crazy. I also noticed, despite the madness, that this fire thing caused everyone to start acting more like a big group than a bunch of little groups.

My favorite part was the camp song. This first camp fire, everyone knew how it went but me. Before I could even think of feeling left out someone leaned over, put there arm around me and said, "Ready, here's how it starts...On the shores of..." I could hardly hear what she was saying, but it actually gave me a feeling that I belonged there. I had never experienced anything like it. It was almost perfect.

As the flames started to get lower and weaker, time sort of slowed down just a bit for me. I noticed the embers against the water's reflection of the dark blue sky. I felt the air of a balmy July night as the sun sank behind the trees across the lake. A few times, when everyone was busy yelling, singing, and laughing, I took a deep breath and just simply watched. I swear that no one noticed. Those camp fires were just the sort of thing that could make you kick-back, relax and enjoy life.

1 comment:

bamf said...

Ah yes, I remember feeling the warmth of the fire kissing my cheek as it danced through the air. And the earth between my toes felt like..... wait a second!!!! Actually, I recall getting bit by mosquitos, getting sand in my shoes, and getting burnt by the ashes blown in my face!!!!!! And the person attempting to put there arm around you was actually me -- trying to punch you in the face for not knowing the words ;} !!!!!!

Seriously though, the camp fires were neat. UNKNOWN FACT: This was before your time, but, there used to be a counselor, "Tad", that used to jump over the Bond Fires. It was always the highlight of the evening!