Thursday, August 4, 2011

Me, Casey Affleck and Apples

Back in late '95 I was having a couple of cold ones at Woody's L Taven in Boston. The entire bar was watching the Pats game until a couple of guys walked in with "I love NY" t-shirts. Well ... as most folks from Boston will confirm, we don't like NY, and for obvious reaons we didn't like them. Since they went out of their way to wear their NY shirts, most folks in the bar became a little more enthusiastic about the Pats and cheered louder than usual. As the night progressed the New Yorkers themselves became more vocal, and started booing anytime the Pats scored or made a nice play. One of the guys was more vocal than the others, and seemed to look my way each time he made a comment, as if to taunt me. Needless to say I don't like to be taunted, and after having a few beers myself, I got sick of his comments and walked over to his table. With my two friends behind me [as back-up], I cleverly said "so you guys are from NY". He sneered and said "yah". I then replied "you must like apples- since you come from the big apple". He said "yah, what of it". I then popped him in the jaw and said "how'd you like those apples". The entire bar cheered. Later on that night Casey Affleck [didn't know who was at the time] came up to me and said "that was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen". A couple of years later his brother [Ben Affleck] put that scene in the movie Good Will Hunting.

Believe it or not, I saw Ben Affleck at a restaurant in Miami, FL in '99. I was with a few friends and told them this story. They told me to go up to him and see what his response would be. I wen't over to his table (very approachable by the way) and told him about my encounter in the bar and that Casey was there. Ben smiled, and said in a voice loud enough for many to hear "You're suspect!" "Yeah, you" "I don't know what you're reputation is in this town, but, after the shit you tried to pull today, you can bet I'll looking into you" "Now the business we have heretofore, you can speak with my aforementioned attorney" He then smiled and said "yeah, Casey told me the story." "I had no idea how huge and memorable that scene in the movie was going to be." "Anyway-- thanks". He then told the waitress "I'm picking up this guys tab," and then left soon thereafter.

Now ... how do you like them apples!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pick-Up Lines

These are pick-up lines that used to work back in the day.

I would go up to a woman in the bar, drop a cashew on the floor and then step on it. I would then say to the unsuspecting woman: "Baby you're so fine, you just made me bust a nut"

Your ass is like a dryer at a laundrymat... I just want to dump a load in it. :-)

This one would always work: "Your titties are like ice cream ... I just wanna lick 'em"

Hope this makes someone laugh today!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Day John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Was Banned

I was 11 years old the last time I heard the entire Camp sing "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt". We were in the Dining Hall during lunch, and singing songs, which was customary until Dick came out to make announcements. Of course, whenever we sang this song, one or two campers would always substitute the word Schmidt with Shit, but, no one really seemed to notice or care. This day was different, as the entire Camp [perhaps Midgets excluded] replaced Schmidt with Shit. At the time [and still now] it was freakin' hillarious, especially when we all hummed the last verse and ended the song with an enormous roar ..."SHIT". Dick, needless to say, was enraged (and justifiably so). After the midgets were escorted out of the Dining Hall, Dick let us have it, and the song was never heard again.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I want answers! and you better give 'em!!!

When I first went to camp, you could see all the way down to the bottom of the lake. Why did that change? Why did all of the names get painted-over in the cabins? ... That was a lot of history erased (shame, shame, shame). Who was Doc Simmons, and why did they name the Chapel after him? Who threw the rock that hit the lady in the head? Alright, I know the answer to this one-- do you? ;-) Does anyone find it ironic that we celebrated the Sabbath every Friday when we were going to a YMCA [young men's christian association] Camp? Was it really politically correct to call the youngest campers midgets? I think it would've been more appropriate to say "little people". What were the names of the three lovelies abandoned on camp grounds? Can you really call two piss-stained chairs, a broken window and a three-legged pool table with only 6 pool balls a lounge? [Bascomb Lounge that is]. Can anyone really rationalize why Mark wouldn't give Travis a second chance? Best unanswered question: Was Dick really Crazy Dan? If you say no -- prove it!

The best answer to all of the above questions is: WGAS-- we undeniably had good times that will last a lifetime!!

Hail Camp Frank A. Day!!! [by the way, who hell is Frank Day]

Friday, January 15, 2010

How do make a tissue dance?

Put a little boogie in it!!!!

Roller Boogie

I rember skate night at camp. It was 1979. What Kind of Fool, by Barry Gibb and Barbera Streisand was playing. The night was dark, and the spotlight shined on me as I roller skated past all the foxy chicks checking me out in my all white jump suit -- my chest hair was showing, my headband was full of sweat, and my hairdryed fro was blowing in the wind.

Damn those were good times!


Sailing, Takes me away to where I'm going ....

Random thoughts looming in my mind on a Friday at 4:00 p.m. --I learned how to sail at Camp! I want to going Sailing, Mark -- I want to go sailing -- I want to go sailing, Mark -- I want to go sailing.

Good Ole Friendly Dishwashin'

--- annie? .... annie? .... annnie? ..... annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnie? ... WHAT NEIL ... behind. Hey Grimesy --Dan works here now --- WE QUIT--- "WO --O---O- --O --- OH! WO --O--O -O--OH! ......LISTEN UP EVERYBODY IF YOU WANNA TAKE A CHANCE, JUST GET OFF THE FLOOR AND DO THE MIKE GRIMES DANCE ---HANGIN' TOUGH --ERRRRRRRRRRUH!!!

Great times at the Cape!

In the immortal words of BAMF "yah right, I'm worried, I just don't want the riffs comin' down on my head" ----Reluctant Captain "they're looking for us REMMMMMMMMMMMMMEMBER! -- "FOR WHAT?" C

What does this have to do with camp? WGAS! I don't!!!!
