Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Camp Day Riddle

Leaving it up to me to keep this puppy going? --Okay. What's the one sport/game no one has heard of until they go to Camp Day? . . . . . . .

TEATHERBALL!!! You kidding me! The best game on the planet. In fact, the director of Napoleon Dynamite made it a point to focus on this peculiar game toward the end of the movie.

Ever recall saying this? .... "No ropesies, bouncies or kicksies! Of course --Bubbling is fine so long as its only 4 times per turn ... Best out three wins."

If you can recall anymore teatherball terminology ---- by all means add on!

Of course other games that were the "bomb" were: Capture the Flag --Yoshi (sp?) and Gold Rush!!!!!

1 comment:

The Reluctant Captain said...

Ah Teatherball... it's not only fun to play but mesmerizing to watch. It's like watching a watch go back and forth. I wonder how many people unknowingly escaped injury when they walked within the kill radius of that freaking yellow ball! Especially when some big dumbass is smacking the thing so hard that it's flying around the pole at breakneck speeds. No Kicksies!!!!!!