Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I recall the days when camp food was merely edible ...You could eat it, just couldn't quite figure out what it was .... That changed when Mike Aja took over -- Not only could I recognize the food --- the stuff actually tasted good!!!

During my years at Camp Day, a lot of things changed. For example, when I first went to camp, you could see to the bottom of the lake --even in the deep area. Unfortunately, that changed. I heard that Camp Day was told it could no longer rake the seaweed [or whatever that muck was] {allegedly some environmental thing}, and so the vegetation grew ---- denying the camp of stating the lake was "crystal clear". I also heard that all of the past campers' signatures, sayings and pictures on the cabin walls/ceilings got painted over. That's a shame, it was always fun to go back to the old cabin and find my name there. The singing. The freakin' singing. I recall years when there wasn't a meal that 4 to 5 songs didn't get belted out. Even if I thought I was too cool to sing them, when no one was looking I'd sing a few lines to the Titanic: "Oh they sailed the ship Titanic to sail the ocean blue, and they thought they had a ship that the water wouldn't go through .........." When I left, we were lucky to get a song a week. ACCEPT FOR MY GOOD OLE RENDITION OF JINGLE BELLS THAT IS!

All in all, it is good to know that somethings haven't changed, like my friendships with my two best friends [from Camp Day]; the love I have for my wife [from camp day]. . . . . The memories .....