Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Two Minute Two Liter

Ok, bamf eluded to another story in a previous post that I think deserves its own light. This happened at the same Jellystone park area, on a junior unit camp outing. I never really understood why we packed up the entire unit just to go 5 miles away and camp in the woods when we already were "in the woods" at camp. Anyway, at the infamous Jellystone, there was a little store at the entrance of the park. They sold various camping items, among other things, including beer and wine. On a dare, I walked right through the front door, grabbed a 2-liter bottle of some wine cooler and brought it up to the counter. I made some small talk with the cashier and all of a sudden, I was walking out with a fresh bottle of tasty adult beverage. At the time, I was so nervous, I didn't even realize what I was doing until I was outside.

When I finally got back to where my two friends were standing, they had a look of disappointment on their faces because they thought I had chickened out. When I pulled that 2-liter out of the brown bag that the cashier stuffed it in, their faces lit up like it was Christmas. The three of us finished that entire bottle of horribly tasting wine cooler in under 2 minutes. I wonder if the store clerk knew I was in high school... either way, that was one dare that was paid in full.


bamf said...

C'mon, don't forget my trip to packy! Better still, remember [let's call her Darci] purchased us a case at the gas station. Remember that night? "What are you gonna do --shoot me?"

The Reluctant Captain said...

oh ya, I remember. You said you were from some other camp. That was key too, because we had absolutely no beer that day.

Darci or Marci or something, who remembers these things? Anyway, that was great when she went in to that store, I was convinced that she was going to get denied. Remember when I stole her car and drove it around the junior unit? Wow, what an ass I was....