Bascom Lodge is the name given to a small one room cabin nestled on the shores of Lake Quacumquasit in Massachusetts. It is, among other things, a meeting place for counselors who work at a summer camp called Camp Frank A. Day. It's one of the few places campers are not supposed to go and a way for counselors to get some time to themselves. We attended Camp Day as campers and as counselors. We thought it would be fun to post and discuss some of the memories we have about the camp and couldn't think of a better name. We all, at one time or another, sat in Bascom (possibly smoking cigars) on the mildew encrusted chairs and discussed life. I hope you enjoy the stories.
was that really a camp frank a day rap? I mean, I don't think it was... I guess it's better than jingle bells.
I don't get what that rap has to do with Camp Day?!?!?
It has nothing to do with Camp Day, I think bamf was just bored. he's crazy you know.
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