Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reality? What?

You know, when I was at camp, I enjoyed it fully. I mean, we bent some rules and broke others, but when it came down to whether or not the campers had a good time, we always had fun. It was such a small amount of people that became so close in such a short period of time. It's not really like "real life."

I don't know, maybe there should be more to life than just doing what is necessary. When I think of sitting around a camp fire or playing a game of Yoshi, I remember feeling as though there were possibilities. Maybe this has nothing to do with camp whatsoever. But, I get the feeling, now after being a professional for quite some time, that there is something missing. I didn't have that feeling back at camp. What's missing? What makes "real life" so different?

I'm not really sure what kind of post this is to tell you the truth. I just think that there has got to be more to life than sitting at a desk, typing things in to a computer all day. Thoughts?


bamf said...

There is more to life than just sitting down at a desk! -- But, before I enlighten you -- you have to get your ass off that chair! Easier said than done-- but if not now -- when? Most people our age work -- so -- you're not missing out on much from 9-5. But ... before 9 and after 5 -- and of course weekends and vacations .... that's when the fun begins. I wise man once said "The only thing constant in this world is change" -- You can make the change -- or allow circumstances around you to change you --- you're choice -- right? Another wise woman said "You cannot plow a field in your mind" So ... get off your ass from 5 to 9, weekends and vacations and enjoy it. Cause you can't make up for the stuff you already missed [I'm sure a lot]!!!!

Your question on Camp -- Was it reality? You bet your sweet ass it WAS reality. It showed how different kids from different backgrounds can be placed in the same environment and become a family -- even if it was just for one month. Most of us got to know one another, erasing sterotypes, stigmas, religion, skin color, economics, etc. There were always a couple of d-bags -- but, can't choose your family -- right? .... It was still family.

Camp developed my future -- and in many ways yours too. For me, Camp developed my wife, kids, best friends --LIFE. -- I wouldn't change a thing.


Time for you to get off your ass my friend!!!!!

The Reluctant Captain said...

It doesn't feel real. Not from where I'm sitting. It feels like a freaking dream.

But I digress... I know there's more to life than sitting at a desk all day in front of a computer, that's why I said "I just think that there has got to be more to life than sitting at a desk, typing things in to a computer all day."

I was feeling kind of stupid after I wrote that post because it could be taken like I am bitching about my life, but I'm not - err wasn't. I think it is a different world over there on the 5 mile road. I don't think that camp was "real" life and I think a lot of the people who went there were rich, spoiled brats who wet their freaking pants at the first sign of things not going their way. In fact, I saw that in a lot of the staff, too. And so did you my friend... the only reason I got to go to that camp is because it was free for me.

I totally agree about camp being a great thing, though. My best friends came from that camp and it kind of showed me how to find people I get along with... I wouldn't change any of it, not even the bad parts. I learned a lot and I think I taught a lot, too. It was the best thing for me at the time. I think if I didn't go, I would have gotten in to much MORE trouble with my high school friends.

What I was saying though, in my post, is "why is camp so different from regular life?" I think we would be better off if we lived life more like the way it was in camp. Is that naive?

- RC

bamf said...

Naive? No -- But, just like highschool and college -- at some point you gotta go to work and earn your keep. If you wan't to know the truth -- it all comes down to money. Money can't buy you love or hapiness [arguably]-- but, it can pretty much buy anything else! More importantly, enough of it can ensure that you can be worry free [moneywise that is] While at camp, highschool or college-- for the most part -- money wasn't a concern. Not that we had much of it --- we just didn't need as much (e.g. good ole black magic marker and used keg cups saved us on many occassions). But, once we have the responsibilites of paying rent/mortgage [on our own], buying food, etc. -- we HAVE to work. No work equals no money. No money equals no necessities of life. No necessities of life -- or fear of not having them -- creates stress! Stress creates thinking about how good times used to be [as well as sickness, fear, anger etc.] Thus, we have a shit load more concerns we EVER had when we were teenagers and in our early 20s. But, thank God we had those good times. The best thing I could ever do for my kids [other than love and support them] is to create a legacy that permits them to go their own paths WITHOUT concerns that they need to work to get the necessities in life. The only question is how ---

Camp gave us a chance to escape. Shoot -- we loved it enough to dedicate a Blog to it!!!! There's no secret to living a carefree [camp frank a. day] life. The formula is simply-surround yourself with people you love -- and enjoy the good times when they come. Remember, you can't fix the past, and you can't predict the future, but, you can enjoy the gift of life right now [that's why they refer to it as he PRESENT {gift of life}]

And that's all I got to say about that!