Thursday, June 5, 2008


I'll never forget the year the Junior Unit's Night Activity was "World Records". Each camper had the option to pick a few records he or she would like to make or break (e.g. jumping rope the most times or seeing how many times you could bounce a ping pong ball on a ping pong paddle) and then attempt to make or break that record.

This particular year, I (along with the Unit Director) was in charge of the "continuous talking" event. In no time flat, many of the campers failed to continue to talk, and were off to do other events .... All but one ...... TRAVIS. Throughout the event, he continued to talk, talk, talk and talk. I'm not too sure if he truly stopped (unlikely), or if the Unit Director got sick of hearing him talk (more than likely), but, the Unit Director (after about 20 minutes) blew his whistle and said "You're out -- you stopped talking". Travis, understandably upset, immediately began repeating -- over and over "I WANT A SECOND CHANCE MARK I WANT A SECOND CHANCE" What makes this story funny -- is no matter what the Unit Director said -- or did --- Travis just kept on saying "I WANT A SECOND CHANCE MARK I WANT A SECOND CHANCE" --he even followed the Unit Director around the unit, and eventually stood outside the front door of the Unit Director's Cabin (when the Unit Director attempted to evade him). This went on for close to an hour, and I must say ----this kid's determination to keep on talking was inspiring.

HEY TRAVIS -- IF YOU'RE OUT THERE --- I OFFICIALLY CONGRATULATE YOU ON EARNING THE WORLD'S RECORD FOR SAYING "I WANT A SECOND CHANCE MARK I WANT A SECOND CHANCE" And Mark if you're out there -- Next time don't be a dousche ---- just give the kid a second chance mark--just give the kid a second chance!!!!!!


The Reluctant Captain said...

You know, I am glad you mentioned that bamfy my friend. Travis was my camper for one summer and aside from some cleanliness issues, he was a decent kid. He always tried as hard as he could at whatever he was doing. This was, many times, not enough to win anything significant.

I remember that night. I remember thinking that this unit director (Mark, what's his face, junior unit) just didn't get it. He, on many occasions, shoved these things to one side. Maybe to make his buddies laugh or to try to be funny. I know I wasn't perfect, but I could at least notice that Travis didn't win all that much and that this contest was important to him. He tried as hard as he could at something he was good at and he won it, fair and square. It makes Mark the loser.

Well, we couldn't do anything then, but we can right now. So, I second bamfs congratulations to you TRAVIS, wherever you are! You, my friend, were the rightful winner.

The Reluctant Captain said...