Friday, June 20, 2008

Changing of the Guard

The first thing I would do as camp director is get rid of those ridiculous bells that Dick used to ding over the PA system. I would replace them with drums and some kind of smoke signal. I can't believe that the camp no longer has a McKnight at the helm. It really has been a long time. All those Crazy Dan stories and that "6th sense" of knowing what things are going on in the camp at all times (even though I think it might have had something to do with certain counselors blabbing everything they heard and "thought" they heard in to Dick's ear).

No matter what type of opinion you have about the stone-faced and oddly mysterious former camp director, you have to admit that he is a legend in his own right. Because beyond his leadership abilities and his eclectic story-telling is a healthy respect for tradition. The camp will definitely need someone that can at least understand that Frank A. Day is the best of all camps because of all the things it keeps doing well. It has to do with focusing on getting every kid involved and giving everyone (including counselors) a chance at having an incredible summer experience. One that might touch their lives permanently. That little peninsula, stuck in the woods of central Massachusetts, has touched so many lives with lasting affection. It's not that way because of who the director is, but it could easily be ruined by who he or she is not.

You are right big bad bamf... big shoes to fill indeed.


bamf said...

Well ..... it takes big shoes to step in all that bull sheet :)

The Reluctant Captain said...

Ya, I wonder if we would have had a better time or a worse time if there were less bullshit.

bamf said...

Dunno --don't care -- as Tommy Lee would say "it was all good ---all good"

And I said bullsheet --not bullshit--- we gotta keep this family friendly!!!!!

The Reluctant Captain said...

sorry, didn't mean to say bullshit. wait, I said it again. oops.

bamf said...

...stone cold .... stone cold

The Reluctant Captain said...

who wrote this post, it sucks. Oh wait, it was me.