If you take a close look, some of the pictures posted on the Camp Day Website show folks giving the "Dis". For those of you that don't know, the "Dis" originated from a region in central massachusetts. The latin pronunciation of this region is milfordis highest of schoolis --however, the american translation is ---Milford High SchooL. I believe the game started their in the 1970's. Although I am not sure how it made its way to Camp,rumor has it that WHEEL CHAIR MARY taught it to Hatchet Harry who taught it to Crazy Dan.
I do believe it was Corky --- who also (through the spiritual guidance of Dan) invented and might I say "fine tuned" the art of Fusseling. What is fusseling you may ask? It is the art of doing nothing with the illusion of doing something. For example, Corky and Dan somehow were able to convince folks that putting up the top shudders of the dining hall [located on top of the senior staff area] took a full day. I must say PURE GENIUS!!!!
I can still here it now: "Hey Diz, get us some milks and toss up some cookies, we're ......uh ........ fusseling up here!!!!" "Yah, we would love to help with the docks, but, as you can see [after a wipe of the brow] we're working up here" "Cork, I'm not too sure we've got it, ..... it's going to take another day for us to figure this out" "Yes Dan, this is true!"
Bascom Lodge is the name given to a small one room cabin nestled on the shores of Lake Quacumquasit in Massachusetts. It is, among other things, a meeting place for counselors who work at a summer camp called Camp Frank A. Day. It's one of the few places campers are not supposed to go and a way for counselors to get some time to themselves. We attended Camp Day as campers and as counselors. We thought it would be fun to post and discuss some of the memories we have about the camp and couldn't think of a better name. We all, at one time or another, sat in Bascom (possibly smoking cigars) on the mildew encrusted chairs and discussed life. I hope you enjoy the stories.
If you take a close look, some of the pictures posted on the Camp Day Website show folks giving the "Dis". For those of you that don't know, the "Dis" originated from a region in central massachusetts. The latin pronunciation of this region is milfordis highest of schoolis --however, the american translation is ---Milford High SchooL. I believe the game started their in the 1970's. Although I am not sure how it made its way to Camp,rumor has it that WHEEL CHAIR MARY taught it to Hatchet Harry who taught it to Crazy Dan.
Oh, by the way, Corky brought it to camp day. I think he even taught it to wheel-chair mary, or so the legend goes...
I do believe it was Corky --- who also (through the spiritual guidance of Dan) invented and might I say "fine tuned" the art of Fusseling. What is fusseling you may ask? It is the art of doing nothing with the illusion of doing something. For example, Corky and Dan somehow were able to convince folks that putting up the top shudders of the dining hall [located on top of the senior staff area] took a full day. I must say PURE GENIUS!!!!
I can still here it now: "Hey Diz, get us some milks and toss up some cookies, we're ......uh ........ fusseling up here!!!!" "Yah, we would love to help with the docks, but, as you can see [after a wipe of the brow] we're working up here" "Cork, I'm not too sure we've got it, ..... it's going to take another day for us to figure this out" "Yes Dan, this is true!"
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