Thursday, December 31, 2009


I recall an evening at the pits where we scored a bottle of chocolate something or another. Three of us made it to the pits earlier than the fourth friend. Call it greed, call assinine, call it as you will -- we opted to drink that chocolate liquor [or most of it] prior to the fourth person showing up. Not too sure if he got it for us, but, if he did -- sucked to be him [and that would make us jerks { not the first time nor the last} but -- anywho, with much haste we filled the chocolate liquor bottle with soda -- and passed it to our fourth buddy when he arrived. He took huge gulps continuing to state how smooth it was. After several bouts of almost crapping our pants [trying to prevent ourselves from laughing] we finally told him what we did. Surprisingly enough, he was cool about it.

Anyway, that night was better than the night we mixed Jack Daniels with McDonald Chocolate Shakes-- Thanks Goldie

Hey reluctant-- remember when we went to the movies on the dayoff? Something about taking someone's schwib? -- You can tell that story!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


The smell of Prell and Agree shampoos remind me of camp -especially during camp dances. It's funny how the friday night dances were such a big deal back then. The guys would all have well groomed har -- still wet hair from taking showers, and the girls were always dolled up more than usual -- with the smell of aquanet hairspray . . . . . . .

Good times!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Two Minute Two Liter

Ok, bamf eluded to another story in a previous post that I think deserves its own light. This happened at the same Jellystone park area, on a junior unit camp outing. I never really understood why we packed up the entire unit just to go 5 miles away and camp in the woods when we already were "in the woods" at camp. Anyway, at the infamous Jellystone, there was a little store at the entrance of the park. They sold various camping items, among other things, including beer and wine. On a dare, I walked right through the front door, grabbed a 2-liter bottle of some wine cooler and brought it up to the counter. I made some small talk with the cashier and all of a sudden, I was walking out with a fresh bottle of tasty adult beverage. At the time, I was so nervous, I didn't even realize what I was doing until I was outside.

When I finally got back to where my two friends were standing, they had a look of disappointment on their faces because they thought I had chickened out. When I pulled that 2-liter out of the brown bag that the cashier stuffed it in, their faces lit up like it was Christmas. The three of us finished that entire bottle of horribly tasting wine cooler in under 2 minutes. I wonder if the store clerk knew I was in high school... either way, that was one dare that was paid in full.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Code

LRIG TAF -- YOB TAF these two code words said it all. We always found creative ways to say what was on our minds, without anyone knowing what we were talking about. As fate would have it, one of the code words pertains to me now [true dat------ true dat]

Thursday, December 10, 2009

End of an Era

The year after we stopped going to camp Dick started a new rule preventing CITs and JCs from going out at a night. Weird thing was he didn't grandfather-in the JCs [who were CITs, and able to go out the year before] -- One word ----- "Amy" -- which may be why were weren't allowed back either (?) and that's all I got to say about that!


That's right I said it --WGAS? I don't!!!!


One day Jen Dublirer asked me to do some random thing. My response was "sure" (and I really intended to do what every it was she asked me to do). She accepted my response as a sarcastic "no", and from that day on -- for at least that summer -- everyone who didn't want to do the act they were requested to do would say "sure"

Bet many didn't know that!

hehe, good fight.

One day, we were walking from the junior unit to the dining hall. I think it was around lunch time. As usual, our cabins were late getting up the hill. As we were walking up, a few kids were hanging back and you could tell something was about to happen.

As we moved closer to the group you could see two kids grappling in the dirt. It looked like a play fight, but after a couple seconds it started to get serious. These two kids were at each others throats almost every day and they finally came to blows.

Initially, my first reaction was to stop it, but then we just kind of waited. It was like a hockey fight, they just smacked each other around for about three minutes and got so tired they could hardly move. I think that was the best thing we could have done for those two kids, even though it kind of sounds harsh. They never fought again that summer - at least, as far as I know.

After, we went to lunch and everyone was like: "hehe, good fight."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ice Cream

I remember when some punk, at Jelly Stone Park, pushed ice cream in Laura Stern's face. The kids came running up -- and like family -- we handled the situation. "Drop down and do ten push-ups" -- "one --- one --- one-- two --- one --- one ......." Of course we had to celebrate with a 2 liter bottle of wine coolers -- thanks cappy!!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Smokin' Butts

Smokin' butts, chewing dip, smokin' stogies --- just as arbitrary as eating caramels -- or drinking beers --which we did at Bascom Lounge --- mo fos!!!! How do you like THEM apples Dicky poo!

Famous phone Call:

"Cork? "What! ..... Who's this" "Fritzy" "Who? "Fritzy" "Who the fuck is Fritzy" "It's Tom" "Tom who" "Tom Fitzgerald" "It's one o'clock in the morning Tom Fitzgerald-- what the fuck do you want? -- better still, just call Dan" -- click

No so famous phone call:

"hello. Andrea? -- I was wondering ..... have you seen Dan?"

Where's Goldie

Where's the guy that used to stay up all night with us, the night before the beach, so we could sleep all day on the beach? Where's the guy that drank a warm beer with us, from the old blue station wagon in the parking lot- on that beach we slept on all day? Where's the guy that spyed a camper, likely drinking a cold beer, in the dunes with us on that beach? Where's the only other guy that know can decipher the meaning of brown M&Ms versus Skittles? Where's our old pal Goldie?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reality? What?

You know, when I was at camp, I enjoyed it fully. I mean, we bent some rules and broke others, but when it came down to whether or not the campers had a good time, we always had fun. It was such a small amount of people that became so close in such a short period of time. It's not really like "real life."

I don't know, maybe there should be more to life than just doing what is necessary. When I think of sitting around a camp fire or playing a game of Yoshi, I remember feeling as though there were possibilities. Maybe this has nothing to do with camp whatsoever. But, I get the feeling, now after being a professional for quite some time, that there is something missing. I didn't have that feeling back at camp. What's missing? What makes "real life" so different?

I'm not really sure what kind of post this is to tell you the truth. I just think that there has got to be more to life than sitting at a desk, typing things in to a computer all day. Thoughts?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Camp Frank A. Day Rap

"I'll serve your ass like John McEnroe, if your girl steps up I'm smakin' the ho!"

Word -- beeeeeeyotch! "git git"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Just went to a Friendly's and remembered Ben Korman sticking two packs of camel unfiltered cigarettes in his mouth. Why? Why not? Of course nothing beat a Fribble and playing a round of Smash TV.

I recall a bunch of us hanging out in front Friendly's (maybe McDonald's) attempting to be Tom Cruise in the movie Top Gun. We would take turns singing "you've lost that loving feeling" to women walking in -- Of course it never worked -- ... shoot -- we wouldn't have known what to do if it had! As Roscoe in Dukes of Hazard would say "git git"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Want some gum?

Chew my bum!!!

HAHAHA. . . I was thinking of all the times that we raided the canteen at camp and how I used to like to mix good and plenties with birch beer.

There's a random thought.

edit: chew my bum was created by Corky Sanders.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Adventures of Panama City

Want to buy some weed? ---- uh no... Want to smoke some .... uh okay --- "she tried to push me off the bridge!!!" Higlights: Harpoon Harry's, Gray Nipples, dead frogs and contents of black film cylinder [beer schmeer!!!]! Phrase of the week "that's bullshit! give us our fuckin' deposits back!!!!!! Famous puking sounds of bamf : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ----- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! Bridge of dreams baby, bridge of dreams! "I feel great, I can drive all night ----ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ "Watch out!!!" "Anyonelse want to drive?"

In a word? EPIC!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Cure

The Cure, General Public, U2, Tears for Fears, New Order .... and several other bands -- are all bands that I never would have listened to --but for camp. Singing lyrics to New Order, as me, Dan and Ron were headed to Riverside Park or to the Beach, etc. reminds me of how fun times used to be back in the late 80's!!!! Its been almost 20 years and this music still brings me back to the days of Camp Day. I think I'll go over to youtube and listen some New Order!