Thursday, August 16, 2007

The first dis (follow up)

Ok, I was thinking about the dis sign. I want to explain it for those who don't know what it is...

It's a game you can play anywhere at any time. Basically, it's a hand signal. You can make the "OK" sign or point to something (most commonly the palm of your opposite hand) and if someone looks at it, then they lose (dissed). It's very silly, but it catches on after a while and you find yourself ignoring people when they call your name because you don't want to get dissed.

The funny part of playing this game is that some people just don't get it. Case in point, there were a small number of senior staff (at our camp) that noticed people playing and surprisingly took offense to it. Some even described it as "gang signals" or "anti-social behavior." When, in fact, it was a very healthy, social behavior, that many times, in my experience, broke tension with campers and counselors alike. It's too bad those people didn't want to join in the fun. I guess they should have just asked someone what it was about. It could get annoying from time to time, but all in all is a fun game that still sparks some chuckles even after a long time has passed.

So, check out my post in the link below for your "first dis" and teach it to your friends.

Ok, you know I had to...


Anonymous said... I disagree with the "Senile" staff labeling the game in the way they did...but calling it "very healthy social behavior"??? STTTTRRRREEEEETTTCCHHHHHHH. Ahh, now i feel better...

I am just remembering back to the many times that direction was given as to what is "right" or "wrong" in the lunch I recall a few well intended counselors were castrated for singing a song that poked a little fun at "Penny" the directors dog that was oh so good with children...

Dr. Quacum

The Reluctant Captain said...

haha, yes, I think it was healthy social behavior. but maybe just to me ;-).

I think your right about penny, though. That dog did attempt to bite a camper or two. Maybe she was just hungry.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the dog did nip at campers on several occasions...granted she got freaked out as any normal dog would by all the nutty attention deficit kiddies that missed their Ritalin that day…..Penny was a good dog; If I had that many kids hands in my face, I might give a nip!

bamf said...

Which Penny? Weren't there at least three? One trick developed by my tent-mate "Ray" was to pretend to pick up a rock and throw it at Penny [I believe Penny No.1]. Penny would see Ray's animated motion and bolt --- One day Ray pretended to pick up a rock and throw it, except Penny justed stood there and growled at Ray ----- For some strange reason Ray didn't do that anymore .......

Speaking of dining hall song etiquette ... I recall a rendition of the song "John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt (sp?)" --- that ended up banning the song from camp! Instead of Schmidt ---the camp said sh&@! As we all know, the song starts off with singing the song loudly, and then each time you repeat the lyrics, you eliminate a beginning portion of the song [e.g. like the B-I-N-G-O dog song]. Anyway, the final verse of the song [as we all know is completely silent ---except the last word]--- and...... the only word uttered was sh@$! [To eliminate any finger pointing, I was only 11 years old, and just a camper, so don't blame me!!!] In fact, the entire camp, Midgets, Jr.s, Seniors and COUNSELORS were all chiming in. Of course, and rightfully so, a senior staff member was enranged. He excused the Midgets and then admonished the rest of us in the Dining Hall ..... As far as I know, the song has been banned ever since.

For old times sake [clean version, but, use your imagination if you so choose.....]

"John Jacob Jinghleheimershmidt, his name is my name too, whenever we go out the people always shout there goes John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt ---dah dah dah dah dah dah dah!"