Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Day John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Was Banned

I was 11 years old the last time I heard the entire Camp sing "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt". We were in the Dining Hall during lunch, and singing songs, which was customary until Dick came out to make announcements. Of course, whenever we sang this song, one or two campers would always substitute the word Schmidt with Shit, but, no one really seemed to notice or care. This day was different, as the entire Camp [perhaps Midgets excluded] replaced Schmidt with Shit. At the time [and still now] it was freakin' hillarious, especially when we all hummed the last verse and ended the song with an enormous roar ..."SHIT". Dick, needless to say, was enraged (and justifiably so). After the midgets were escorted out of the Dining Hall, Dick let us have it, and the song was never heard again.